Episode 93
Now who else is here?
Episode 87
The owner, a short and wiry middle-eastern man with an unshaved face, grows visibly impatient with me, saying nothing but implying by his demeanor that it is time for me to either buy something or go away. But of course I can’t decide.
Episode 78
In the dream, I’m being pushed around by the police. Really, anything I try to do, any effort I make, is immediately checked. These are men in military uniforms, heavily kitted out, a dangerous and violent militarized police force, and I don’t now clearly remember what any of my intentions actually are, or were – only that they are constantly being contained by these forceful heavies, who will allow nothing to pass.
At first, I interpreted the soldiers as an entirely negative, suppressive force. But it is also true that they are a defensive force. If their behavior in the dream did not appear defensive, the fact remains that such limits as restrict points of contact with the wider environment also protect these potentially vulnerable points against assault from the environment, and contain the behaviors that might otherwise invite destructive consequences. I’m not saying that it is best to live in this severely restricted way, only that such defenses have developed from out of actual conditions as the most sensible solution for those conditions, and therefore have a generous side to their nature, a benevolence, despite their appearance.
Episode 76
There is some kind of examination I have to pass in hell. I hadn’t known about this beforehand. Now, I’m brought before four or five people who sit in chairs arranged in a semicircle out on the open, grassy field of hell. I’ve already had to come some ways to get here – across channels of water, over the low inclines suggesting hills in the distance. A voice asks if I am ready, and though this is the first I’ve heard of any examination, I say that I am.
Episode 73
And when in the forest, there comes a time, your eyes will unfocus, you will become less a person than a cloud, a diffusion of personlike tendencies, once pulled toward the semblance of coherence, now abandoned to drift in wind like so much mist.
Episode 70
Relocate the nexus of awareness within the self, anitpodal the body, by means of a piston-switch.
Episode 66
…not plunged into any depth of dishwater; not hunt-and-pecking at the cash register keys, entering here sums for calculation, there knuckle-banging the cash drawer open to feathered and unfolded money which, kept in leaf-like stacks, either added to or given, etc.
Episode 63
You can go to see the man about his duck. He doesn’t much like people, but he’ll talk to you.